Energysaving and Watertreatment No. 4 (132), august 2021

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Bushuev E.N, Larin A.B., Eremina N.A., Loginova A.Yu. Problems of modernization of water treatment systems of russian CHPP4
Kirpichnikova I.M., Shestakova V.V. Electrical properties of dust and their effect on the operation of solar modules10
Shulga R.N. Green energy-saving energy15
Grankina N.A., Masenko A.V., Shchebeteev V.A., Oshatinsky A.V., Kalyuta M.A. On question of selecting the optimal network configuration and voltage levels22
Vedruchenko V.R.,  Lazarev E.S., Shtib A.V. Forecasting the prospects of fuel use on diesel rolling stock25
Amerkhanov R.A., Bliashko I.I. Analysis of the characteristics of potential sites in the regions of Russia and the principles of choosing equipment for SHPP31
Dambiev C.C., Safronov P.G., Sidorov P.V. Assessment of the efficiency of fuel combustion when switching off the general-station LDPE at the CHP38
Bratoshevskaya V.V. Formation of the structure of residential development of the city, taking into account the natural and climatic conditions of the area41
Kuznetsov V.M., Ostretsov I.N., Yurchevsky E.B. On solving the problem of spent nuclear fuel and depleted uranium in the light of the prospects for mastering nuclear relativistic technology. Part 1. Spent nuclear fuel and depleted uranium — an unlimited resource for new nuclear energy45
Kuznetsov V.M., Ostretsov I.N., Yurchevsky E.B. On solving the problem of spent nuclear fuel and depleted uranium in the light of the prospects for mastering nuclear relativistic technology. Part 2. Situation with primary energy resources today and in the near future. Conceptual approach to nuclear relativistic technologies55
Lukovenko A.S., Zenkov I.V. Using the Lagrange multiplier model to simulate FACTS device installations63
Mironova Y.A., Danysh A.V., Goryachev S.V. Trackers for a floating solar power plant69
Goryachev S.V., Droshin A.D., Snegirev D.G. Vertical-axis folding wind turbines75